Monday, October 13, 2008

I Detest Asinine People

Today's word:

dullard: (noun) a dull or stupid person [dull-urd]

This is one I just put on the kids' list for this next vocabulary test. Funny thing -- we play Balderdash on the Friday before we start the new list. Dullard was the only word they still remembered from this last Friday! I guess we all can relate to the word, since we all know at least one dullard.


If I never have to deal with another dullard in my life again, it will be too soon. Considering the grades on the unit test, I must have a whole class full of dullards. Laugh and show your ignorance; speak and prove you're a dullard.

Just so you know, I don't really go around thinking everyone is a dullard. In my opinion, only someone who doesn't bother trying is a dullard. Man, I really ought to find some more uplifting words!

1 comment:

Wife2Jason said...

my mouth wants to say dulltard... for some reasom. Hmmm.