Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just Make Up Your Mind, Already!

Today's Word:

vacillate: (verb) to waver; to show indecision [va-sill-late]

When I ask my daughter what she wants to eat for dinner, she vacillates between a peanut butter sandwich and macaroni and cheese every night. Tough decision, apparently.

There are certain people who vacillate so much, you can't can't stand to go to the movies with them, or out to eat, because they just won't make a decision! You all know someone like that -- hopefully it's not me you're thinking of....

Monday, November 10, 2008

That's Preposterous!

Today's Word:

preposterous: (adjective) ridiculous [pruh-pa-stir-us]

This is one of the words on the vocabulary list for my students this week. I used it an awful lot last Friday as I was letting my boss know how inane I thought it was to have midterms come out after only three weeks. Luckily, she has a good sense of humor, and found my use of large words endearing... or at least, she pretended to. The good news is we were able to push back the midterm deadline to next week!

See what using polysyllabic words can do for you!?

Okay, so that word was definitely preposterous!