Friday, May 1, 2009

That's NOT Funny...

Today's Word:

risible: (adjective) Exciting or provoking laughter; worthy of laughter; laughable; amusing [riz-uh-bull]

I couldn't resist doing another one today. This one is a new word to me, but I like it because it makes me think of my day today. It was a teacher work day. I've never worked on curriculum stuff with elementary teachers before, so I didn't realize how humorless they are when it comes to work. They are all business, and they don't seem to like it if anyone else is funny. So every time I made what I believed to be a risible comment, I got the evil eye.

Secondary teachers, on the other hand, develop quite the sense of humor. It's a survival skill, really. So risible comments are rarely wasted on them -- especially middle school teachers. If you don't laugh, you don't stay sane.


Unknown said...

I would have laughed at you Laura!! I'm not one of "those" elemetary teachers - I get frustrated when my 4th graders don't have a sense of humor.

Leah said...

Thanks, Kara! I appreciate your sense of humor. :)